Organisational Development

Your company is about to or has already started a change-process? You would like to prepare your organisation, your employees and leaders for the digital transformation or future-oriented concepts such as New Work or Agile work?

You would like to establish a company culture in which each employee can contribute their personal strength for the benefit of the whole organisation? A culture that doesn’t consist of empty words, but reflects the values and norms that make your organisation special.

No matter which of these challenges you are facing: I am here to support you.

From an external perspective, I will have a close look at your organisation and analyse your individual situation objectively. Based on this analysis, together we will develop a custom-made strategy to match your organisational needs, to deliver a successful change process, and to further develop your organisation.

Typical organisational development projects

You at the beginning or in the middle of a change process.

  • You would like to analyse if your company culture is still perceived as attractive in times of digital transformation and, if relevant, start a change process.
  • You would like to scrutinise your company culture and potentially make adaptations – involving your employees in this process.
  • You are looking for a professional, who analyses your organisational structure from an external perspective and supports you in re-designing your organisation.

You have taken over a company – maybe your family business.

  • You would like to define your goals and vision for the organisation and position yourself as the new leader.
  • You would like to prepare your organisation and employees for concepts like New Work and Agile work. 

Your organisation has developed from a start-up to an established organisation.

  • You plan to adapt your company culture to the current needs of your organisation and are already considering this implementation.
  • You would like to further develop your organisational structure by implementing new departments or hierarchical structures. Therefore, the right candidates need to be chosen and developed.

Consulting process

  • Introductions
  • Analysis of the current situation – from an external perspective
  • Common understanding of the current situation and needs
  • Goal definition, definition of determining factors
  • Definition of milestones
  • Planning of methods and the right approach
  • Project start
  • Continuous review of milestones and if necessary, adaptation of methods and goals
  • Project finish and celebration of success


The duration of a project depends on different conditions and needs. As soon as the framework is clear, I will give you a detailed evaluation.

A consulting project is a dynamic process. The time frame from start to end depends on many factors (hierarchies, processes, individual needs and abilities etc.).


During the project we will regularly review progress, and if necessary, adapt the process.


The right place to work at is not always your office. I can also offer you the opportunity to work on creative solutions and strategies at my office – quietly located in the heart of Munich Maxvorstadt.

The same applies to project delivery: A location away from the regular environment often supports the development of new perspectives and ideas. During our planning phase, we will discuss suitable locations.


I will act as your consultant or coach – depending on the situation and your needs. If necessary, your employees will also be engaged actively in the project, e.g. taking part in an employee survey or a team workshop. Depending on your company culture, I can work with classical consulting and workshop methods, as well as with creative tools like Lego Serious Play, Design Thinking or agile techniques.


You will profit from my expertise and many years of experience as a HR professional, including working as a consultant on numerous projects. Through my work with the Munich Business School, I have the opportunity to be up to date with current trends and research in HR development and Work 4.0.

We will decide together which approach is correct for your individual situation.

Quality assurance and sustainability

To ensure that your project is completed successfully, and that the success criteria are sustainable, we will set check-points. Even after project completion, I am happy to support you in reviewing the project goals.

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