
Digitalisation and Work 4.0 enable quicker and more frequent changes in companies. Tomorrow, the world will rotate differently to now. The eployees must be empowered to both manage and bear the effects of these changes on their regular work.

People respond to these changes in different ways – even you, as employer and manager, will find yourself confronted with challenges that you could not have anticipated 5 years ago. To recognise the “why” of your company, to communicate and (above all) to live it, becomes increasingly important for your employees.

I support organisations in creating a healthy environment. The place, where you as the entrepreneuer, leader or employee can be the best version of yourself.

I work pragmatically with a hands-on mentality – whether you need a sparring partner to support you in strategic HR topics as a consultant to your HR department, or if you would like to establish a new company culture from scratch.

Angebote - Kathrin Vallund People & Culture

Change as a Chance

Your company is about to or has already started a change-process? You would like to prepare your organisation, your employees and leaders for the digital transformation or future-oriented concepts such as New Work or Agile work?  … more

Reality Check

Do you face challenges when leading your employees? You want to be perceived as a reflective leader by your employees, or maybe you would like a little “reality-check” with respect to your leadership style?  … more

Intrapreneural Spirit

You are looking for employees and managers that perceive themselves as Intrapreneurs – Entrepreneurs within your organisation? Those who are engaged and act responsibly? A team of leaders … more

Sparring partner

Your organisation doesn’t have a “fully equipped” own HR department, but you are in need of a sparring partner who supports you in strategic HR questions? Somebody that acts as your external HR department responsible HR Coach? … more