Here is some more information about my boutique consulting firm and myself. For you to know who you are dealing with.
You can read more about my education and professional experience here.
But who is behind Kathrin Vallund – people and culture consulting ?
What all members of my family – specially the women – have in common is their curiousity, desire for adventurs, and willingness to go unknown paths. My grandmother who left her home to live with my grandfather in Vienna without being married, the other side of the family who built a company in 1949, which exists successfully until today, an aunt, who moved to Brazil in the 1960s as a nun to establish a school, active politicians and those, who decide for rather unusual life paths.
All of them showed me that it is worth creating own footsteps, not being afraid of change and to be curious and open for new things.
I was 19 when I first left Germany – my destination was Canada… I am happy to tell you more about this time and how I got there in times of no-internet or e-mail…. This one year really sparkled my travel bug – and made life in an international environment a key criteria for my study and job choices.
Many destinations were added – an exchange semester in Spain, my time with the work-and-travel visa in New Zealand between working on wineyards and for the Austrian Chamber of Commerce, global job roles in HR incl. a lot of travels and a delegation to Vienna and my hike on the Way of St. James. 900 km with myself in nature, without any obligations. The walk changed me – and strengthened my view on what is important for me.
The danish husband was also a souvenir from the walk and made me start a new life in Denmark.
From operative to strategic HR roles – from Business Partner to Manager for Organisational and Leadership Development. The broader my expererience and expertise has become, the more companies I have seen from in- and outside, the more I wanted to become self-employed and work with the topics that are key to me – people and culture.
What exactly that means, you can read here.
Moving back to Germany in 2018 was the perfect timing for a restart. To quote my mother: “Finally!”
Since 2018 I am now working with different people and organisations on topics such as meaningful leadership, new work, culture development etc. Each and every project is a “lucky bag” and I am happy to be part of my customer’s journey!
Here you get back to the written and spoken word.